At Designers T-shirts and Sport Apparel, we strongly believe in integrity & forging strong community relationships. This business is here to support you and your endeavors when it comes to advertising, identifying with your mission and creating with custom screen printing, embroidery, mobile advertising and windows decals and many promotional items you need.
Let's be honest, you are creating a unique experience with your business and /or event. We are here to help you express and promote yourself in ways that just aren't offered everywhere. Let's work together and create just what you need to achieve your design, marketing, clothing and gift related needs with items made "just to order". We graciously thank you for your support.
Print Screening, Embroidery, Decal, Printing, Signs.
Are you a an up and coming clothing designer? Display Space is now aveilable for rent - display your talent
for flare!
Looking for something new and different to wear?Come see our selection of designer clothing & sports apparel.
A store within our store just for fundraising and items to support your cause.
Our specialty screen printing services include (and are not limited) to:
Service with Integri-TEE!
Click a picture to see a slideshow of some our Custom Screen T-Shirts & Designs
Gift Shop & Fund Raiser Store
Visit the All Things Pink Store
Service with Integri-TEE!
728 3rd Avenue West Suite B, Birmingham, AL 35204 (Map)
Please share our site on
all your social networks!